
SB: Mysterious Riddles

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"Well, well, well.  What do we have here?"
Lexy jumped at the sound of Asherus' voice.  She stood and turned to face him.
"A little discovery, have we?", he inquired.
"As a matter of fact, Mr. Tennaken, yes.  A discovery.  Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to work", she replied.
She turned to return to her work when he stopped her and forcefully grabbed her arm.  Lexy looked at him with wariness and retrieved her arm from his tight grasp.
"What do you have, Ms. Riordan?  I'm…curious to know."
She sighed softly in annoyance but moved back towards the wall and took her notes she had written earlier with her.
"This is no doubt a royal tomb.  You can tell by the artifacts laid in gold within this room.  Also, it's written in the hieroglyphs as well as the paintings on the walls.  It looks like whomever is buried here was one that the people admired.  They respected and adored her.  She, this queen, did a lot of things for the betterment of her people."
"And how would you know that?  How are you coming to your conclusions?", Asherus questioned.
"It's all right here in the hieroglyphs, Mr. Tennaken.  It's in the paintings.  All the proof is sitting right here.  It's all over the walls."
"So who is the famed queen you speak of, Ms. Riordan?  Do you even have a name?"
Lexy left the room.  Asherus followed closely behind.  She went back to the front chamber, over to the left wall and pointed to a cartouche.
"Right here.  Her name is Hatshepsut.  Though, she isn't the one that is stated and well known in Egyptian history.  This one is the queen of vampires."
He snickered and laughed almost half-heartedly.
"Vampires, Ms. Riordan?  The queen of vampires?  Perhaps you've been reading to many fantasy novels.  Or even watching too much television", he stated as he laughed and walked away.  "Continue with your research, Ms. Riordan.  I'm curious to see how far you get with this."
As he exited the tomb, he stopped upon hearing a familiar voice.
In a heavily Egyptian accent, "What has she uncovered, Asherus?"
He froze in his tracks and his entire body tensed visibly.
"She has discovered the first two rooms…as well as her name, Princess", he replied.
Her eyes widened with anger.
"What did you call me, servant?!"
"M…my apologies, Your Majesty.  My Queen, the rightful heir to the throne."
With devious satisfaction, she smiled from her place in the concealed shadows near the tomb's opening.
"That's what I thought.  Excellent.  Soon my plan shall commence.  Make sure it goes smoothly, Asherus."
"Yes, Your Majesty.  You're wishes shall be executed as you commanded."
"I would expect so.  You're very existence depends on it."
Laughter filled with malice and bane was heard as she faded from him and became quieter the farther away she was.  Asherus, alone, remained entirely tense and pondered on his Lady's words.
"I shalln't fail you, Your Majesty.  You shall have what you yearn for.  All shall be yours, just as promised.  And my…existence…shall remain my own.  We shall see what Ms. Riordan unravels.  The truth must remain hidden.  I shall do what is necessary to keep it so.  Even if that means her death."
He laughed maniacally as he walked away, leaving Lexy to make her discoveries deep within the tomb.  In the meantime, she remained examining the walls in hopes to find as much information as she could on this new found Queen Hatshepsut.  With notebook and pencil in hand, she continued to jot down notes she found to be of any importance.  Still shaken up by Asherus' demeanor, she jumped at the sound of Joseph's voice.
"How's th…Lexy, are you all right?"
"Yes, Joseph.  I'm fine.  Just a bit shaken from Mr. Tennaken's visit."
He raised a brow and watched her curiously.  She sighed and looked at him.  Lexy walked over to place her notes on the sandy floor and took a seat beside them.  Joseph joined her.
"He grabbed my arm.  It took me by surprise is all.  No harm done."
She noticed the expression of concern on his slightly middle-aged face.
"It's fine, Joseph.  Really.  He just wanted to know what I've uncovered."
"So, what have you come up with?"
Lexy reached over and grabbed her notes.
"Look at this.  In each of these rooms I've found interesting writings.  I don't understand their meanings."
"What do they say?"
"Well, in the first room I found this.  'Name that's pure, gem of old.  Story of the ancients told.  Destiny of blood and stone.  Sins of the past will be atoned.  Eternal freedom is the key to our eternal destiny.'  Now in this room, here's what I found.  It's another like the one before.  'Queen of wisdom, ruler of night basking in eternal light.  Forbidden passions, love so strong.  Horrid darkness gone so wrong.  Half-blood treasure bound in gold, a key to stories yet untold.'"
"A riddle of sorts?"
"Yeah. But what is it trying to say?  I doesn't make sense.  I've been trying to look through the paintings and the hieroglyphs in both of these rooms just to see if I can make some sort of sense out of them.  But I'm coming up empty handed."
"Maybe you should continue on, Lexy.  Go farther into the tomb.  Perhaps see if there is more."
"Oh I plan on continuing.  I won't let anything…"
Lexy screamed as she saw a spider climbing the wall where she was studying.  She jumped back and almost knocked Joseph down with her.  He caught her gently and made sure she was steady on her feet again.
"Are you all right, Lexy dear?"
"Spiders.  I bloody well loathe spiders", she answered breathlessly.
She trembled softly.  Joseph tenderly led her back out to the hall.
"Thanks, Joseph.  You're my hero."
She laughed and Joseph couldn't help but laugh with her.
"Oh, I'm no hero, dear.  Perhaps we should continue on?"
Lexy nodded.
"I agree.  I won't let anything bring me down now.  Not when I have this much work to do."
"Well, Lexy, dear.  There would have to be other pieces to this riddle.  It seems incomplete to me."
"I think you're right."
"Do you wish me to have the workers go deeper then?"
She sighed and looked down to her notes.
"We should get Micah.  He'll want to go farther as well.  Do you know where he's hiding?"
"We should.  I'm sure he'll be interested in this.  To answer your question, I believe he is farther up looking over the walls.  You both seem to have a similar fascination."
"Let's go."
They began walking back up the hallway.  Lexy stopped abruptly not having realized that Micah was right before her.  She almost bumped into him.  He took her gently in his arms to assist her in keeping her balance.
"We are going to go farther inside and see what else we can find. Do you want to come?", she questioned.
Micah looked at her and smiled.  He had let her go.
"Sure.  Shall we then?"
He held out his arm for her to take as they began their descent deeper into the tomb.  On the same side of the wall as the treasure room, they found a third door not too far from one they were previously in.  They looked at each other with excited eyes.  The door opened with a creak as Lexy delicately pushed it open.  As the light from her lantern bounced off the dusty corners, she noticed what appeared to be four sarcophagi sitting two by two in the center of the room.  The walls were again decorated with hieroglyphs.  In fact, the entire tomb was highly decorated with hieroglyph ic walls.  Lexy's eyes widened at the sight of the sarcophagi and quickly walked over to each of them in turn.  Her hand gingerly brushed over the first one on her left.  She took notice of what appeared to be part of a name inscribed on the delicate lid.
"What's this?", she asked curiously.
Micah and Joseph were doing their own bit of looking around and went to her side at the sound of her voice.  Micah looked at the barely noticeable name and tried to figure it out with her.
"I..I.  I can't make out anymore.  It's too decayed", spoke Lexy.
Joseph got a thoughtful look.
"Do you think the others would be readable?", he pondered.
Micah and Lexy both looked at him before they moved to the others.
"I hope so.  Let's take a look", Lexy replied.
Eagerly, they moved to the next sarcophagus only to discover that it was in an even worse state of decay.  They looked up to each other as they inspected the other two and became just as equally disappointed.
"Well, it looks like the first one is in the best condition.  Let's see what can learn from it.  I want to know who these people are.  Maybe it will give answers to that blasted riddle", Lexy said.
As she spoke, Joseph moved around the room and held up his lantern to look closer at the walls.  He stopped in front of the right side wall.
"Lexy, dear, come here.  You need to look at this", he stated.
She turned to look at him and walked over.  They examined the wall together.
"It's another piece to the riddle."
Lexy took her notes and began to write down this newly found piece.
"'Blood so black, heart so pure, power with its dark allure.  Hope in sight, proof in crime draws and drifts like sands of time.  Born of love into hate, a vengeful soul gone too sate.'  Well, that didn't help any", commented Lexy.
She sighed in frustration and lowered her notes.
"I wonder if the Gods are laughing at me from their nice little perches in the Elysian Fields.  The ancients did one hell of a job on this little game."
"Don't give up, Lex.  It's not your nature", Micah replied.  He stood behind her and placed his hands onto her shoulders in an encouraging manner.  "Let me see what you have already, if you mind n…if you don't mind."
She handed him her notes as he took a seat on the floor.  Her and Joseph followed in suit.  Micah fumbled through them and took out a blank sheet of paper of his own.  He took his pencil and jotted down the lines of the riddle she currently had.  Once he was completed, he looked at the riddle so far.
"'Name that's pure, gem of old, story of the ancients told.  Destiny of blood and stone, sins of the past will be atoned.  Eternal freedom is the key to our eternal destiny.  Queen of wisdom, ruler of night basking in eternal light.  Forbidden passions, love so strong, horrid darkness gone so wrong.  Half-blood treasure bound in gold, a key to stories yet untold.  Blood so black, heart so pure, power with its dark allure.  Hope in sight proof of crime draws and drifts like sands of time.  Born of love, into hate, a vengeful soul too gone to sate.'"

"Micah, that doesn't make sense."
He looked at her and began to make more notes.  Joseph watched and listened.
"What if you mixed it up, Micah?", suggested Joseph.
In response, Lexy asked, "How?  Would it really make that much of a difference?"
"It could", replied Joseph.
"It's worth a shot, Lex.  It really can't hurt to try", Micah replied.
"Okay.  Let's try it then."
"From what it looks like, they are in stanzas with every two lines rhyming.  So if we mix it up like this…"
Micah switched around some of the stanzas.  He erased and rewrote as he did.  Lexy and Josephs watched.  Once he was done, he placed his pencil down and held up his notes.
"Let's see if this makes better sense.

'Queen of wisdom, ruler of night
Basking in eternal light.
Forbidden passions, love so strong
Horrid darkness gone so wrong.
Half-blood treasure bound in gold
A key to stories yet untold.

Blood so black, heart so pure
Power with its dark allure.
Hope in sight, proof in crime
Draws and drifts like sands of time.
Born of love, into hate
A vengeful soul too gone to sate.

Name that's pure, gem of old
Story of the ancients told.
Destiny of blood and stone
Sins of the past will be atoned.
Eternal freedom is the key
To our eternal destiny.'"

Lexy shook her head.
"No.  That doesn't sound right either.  Try switching the first and middle parts.  See what happens then", she suggested.
Micah did as she requested.

"'Blood so black, heart so pure
Power with its dark allure.
Hope in sight, proof in crime
Draws and drifts like sands of time.
Born of love, into hate
A vengeful soul too gone to sate.

Queen of wisdom, ruler of night
Basking in eternal light.
Forbidden passions, love so strong
Horrid darkness gone so wrong.
Half-blood treasure bound in gold
A key to stories yet untold.

Name that's pure, gem of old
Story of the ancients told.
Destiny of blood and stone
Sins of the past will be atoned.
Eternal freedom is the key
To our eternal destiny.'"

Micah looked back up to his companions.
"Well, it sounds better", replied Joseph.
"Yes, but it doesn't tell me what it means", Lexy said.
Micah smiled almost in laughter.  She looked at him with a raised brow.  Obviously, Lexy wasn't amused.
"Come on, Lex.  Lighten up some, okay?"
"There's so much that I don't understand about this place.  I need to find the answers.  I did, however, find some proof of what I was looking for."
From behind them, "That you have.  And I suppose your expedition is complete then?"
All three of them turned at the sound of the voice.  Micah growled almost soundlessly as his eyes flashed a dark red just for a split second.
"Asherus", Micah spoke with a hint of warning and hatred in his tone.
Asherus smiled evilly and smirked as he did.
"I recall that Ms. Riordan here only asked for a couple of months to discover proof of 'vampires', Mr. Nawroski.  You heard her.  She said she found her proof.  Her job here is done."
"I believe there's more for her to discover in her expedition to follow up on her discoveries, Asherus.  She needs more time.  And I intend on giving it to her."
"By who's authority, Micah?"
Micah rose and stepped closer to him, almost threateningly.
"I work for the same agency as you and I say she's continuing.  As a matter of fact, I do believe that I'm in a higher position that you, Asherus.  Now, end of discussion."
Asherus growled low as anger crossed his face.  He looked from Micah to the other two in turn before he looked back to Micah.
"As you wish.  For now.  But she will leave Egypt in due time.  I guarantee that."
He looked at Lexy before speaking again.
"Continue on, Ms. Riordan.  For now at least."
He looked at Micah once more before he noticed the four sarcophagi.  He snickered and took his leave from the chamber.  Once he was gone, Lexy looked at Micah.
"I appreciate you taking my back but you didn't need to do that.  I can stand on my own, you know."
"I know.  But every once in a while, it doesn't hurt to have friends."
She sighed softly and nodded.
"You're right.  Thank you.  I'm definitely not ready to…wait a minute.  You said that you were in charge here?  You're with the Council?"
Micah smiled sheepishly.
"You didn't tell me?!  Why didn't you tell me?  All this time, I'm thinking I have to prove myself to everyone, especially Mr. Tennaken and the Council and here you are.  The whole time!"
Micah laughed softly as he watched her.  Joseph remained quiet.  He listened and became intrigued at how this would end.
"Lex, don't worry about Asherus.  He can't shut you down without my approval anyways."
He leaned into her and whispered into her ear.
"By the way, according to the Council, I'm in charge.  Just thought I'd let you know.  I don't mean to anger you, either."
Lexy blinked at his words.
"I'm the one funding this project, Micah.  Not the Council or anyone else.  This is my project.  My museum."
"That I understand.  But I'm the archaeologist in charge here.  So instead of arguing about this, how about if we try to find answers to these questions of yours.  Okay?  Besides, I'm allowing you to make all the decisions, aren't I?"
She blinked again.  Lexy wasn't sure how to take his comments.  After a moment she sighed softly and nodded.  She knew he was correct.  More than anything though, she wished to figure out the riddle.
"You're right.  There's no way that I'm going to be shut down before I figure out this damn riddle.  And look at the sarcophagi.  Who do they belong to?  Who is the new found Queen Hatshepsut?  She isn't the one in history.  So who is she?  Gods, so many answers to be found.  There's too much work to be done before I go back to Ireland.  And I sure as hell don't want to go back empty handed."
"And you won't.  We'll figure out this riddle and answer all of your questions.  I'm sure of it."
"I agree with Micah, Lexy.  I think we'll answer everything you want to know.  You're working so hard", added Joseph.
Lexy smiled.
"Thanks, guys."
She looked back at the sarcophagi and stood.  She headed back to the first one.
"Well, I supposed there isn't much more to do except look at these guys here."
Joseph rose after her and both him and Micah went to her side.
"Look.  It's wood.  Ancient sarcophagi were made out of sycamore. At least the outer coffin was.  I don't believe that these would be royal sarcophagi.  How could they be when they are lined up like this?"
Lexy looked at the other three sitting in the room.  A small piece of the one she stood beside broke off from the corner into her hand.  She look down at the piece and turned it over and over.  It was obvious she was deep in thought.
"I don't want to destroy these anymore than what they already are.  But I want to know who reside within them.  We need to find out.  They may hold clues to this Queen."
"You know, a lot of times, the servants were buried near their royal leaders.  How do you know that these aren't the servants to this queen you've found, Lex?", asked Micah.
"That's just it.  I don't.  But I want to know without destroying the sarcophagi."
As they spoke, Joseph looked closer at the one in front of him.  He took out a small brush and began dusting off the top.
"I..b…oni.  Iboni, main servant to Queen Hatshepsut", he read as he brushed off the top.
He looked at his two companions.
"These are servant sarcophagi."
"That could only mean that the queen herself would have to be buried here somewhere", Lexy replied.
"Wait, Lex.  That could possibly be true but what if these four are decoys of some sort?", added Micah.
Lexy's expressions dropped slightly and she remained quiet for a moment.  She then looked at him again.
"They wouldn't be decoys when there is this much of a riddle placed on the walls.  What this riddle speak of, I'm determined to find out.  I will discover the answers to all of my questions.  I just need the time."
Micah gave her a slight smile.
"And so you shall have it, Lex."
She looked around the room in its entirety.  Joseph noticed that some of the workers were becoming fatigued and Lexy was overwhelmed.
"Perhaps we should retire for the day, dear Lexy.  The workers are becoming exhausted as are we."
She looked around at her employees and nodded in agreement.
"Tomorrow is a new day", she said.
"That it is, Lex", commented Micah.
"Then I shall alert the workers to return here in the morning."
Micah stretched and rubbed his stomach tenderly as it began to growl slightly.
"Just in time, too.  I could use something good to eat right about now", he said.
"Shall we all return home to change, wash up and perhaps meet somewhere?", inquired Joseph.
"I'll buy your dinner, Lex.  My treat."
"Really, you guys.  You don't have to spend money on me."
"You act like no one has ever bought you dinner before, Lex.  Come on.  It'll be fun."
Lexy looked at the hopeful looks in their eyes and smiled.
"Okay.  But I'm returning the favor someday.  Soon."
"Shall we meet up at The Blue Scarab in an hour then?  It's one of my favorite places.  It's popular yet quiet and serene, an ideal place for conversation and relaxing after a hard day's work", stated Joseph.
"All right.  I'll return to my room and meet you both in an hour."
As they spoke, they exited the tomb.  They each went to their vehicles.  Joseph drove away and left his companions alone.  Micah opened Lexy's door for her as they reached her rented SUV.  She smiled her appreciation and sat before he closed the door behind her.  Lexy rolled down the window so they could talk.
"Do you know how to get there, Lex?  It's not that difficult."
"I've heard of it.  I'll just ask the receptionist for directions."
"No need.  I'll pick you up myself.  What room are you in?"
She paused and was surprised at his offer.
"Six twelve.  Thanks, Micah."
"It's my pleasure."
He smiled a smile that made her heart skip a beat as he walked away.  She shivered and regained her composure.  If she wasn't careful, she would run out of time and being late wasn't an option.  Lexy started her vehicle and soon arrived back at her room.  She tossed her keys onto the little decorative side table just inside the door and went to her bedroom to gather up a change of clothes for a quick shower.  A little while later a knock on the door interrupted her as she gave her hair its final strokes.  Before answering her door, she placed her brush back onto the vanity.
"Hello.  Ready?"
Micah smiled and gave her a look over from head to toe.
"You look…beautiful, Lex."
"Thank you.  It's not anything special, you know.  Just something I picked up back home."
Micah held out his arm for her to take.
"Shall we go?"
"Sure.  I'm hunry and can't wait to see this restaurant Joseph spoke of."
Micah walked her out to his car.  It was a new shiny red 2010 Mercedes GLK350.  He let her sit before going over to start the engine.  Shortly after, he pulled into the parking lot of the sand colored brick restaurant they were to meet Joseph at.  Micah stepped out and walked to Lexy's side.  He opened the door and helped her out of the car.  With her arm in his, he led her inside the elegant building.  There were pillars on either side that were covered in hieroglyphs and a giant blue scarab above the entrance.  Inside the dimly lit restaurant, a host greeted them cheerfully and led them to where Joseph was already seated.  As they approached the table, he rose from his seat and pulled out a chair for Lexy.  She picked up the faux gold trimmed menu that was placed in front of her and began to look through it.  Micah did the same as a nicely dressed young man in black dress pants and a white buttoned down dress shirt approached the table.
"Hello.  My name is Kaliq and I will be your server tonight.  May I get you something to drink?  We have a variety of delicious wines for your pleasure as well."
"What do you have", inquired Joseph.
"Well, we have Obelisk Pinot Blanc, Gianaclis Rubis d'Egypte Rose, NV Obelisk 'Aida' Cuvee Brut Sparkling Wine and Chateau Des Reves Cabernet Sauvignon."
Lexy looked at her friends.
"The Cabernet Sauvignon sounds good", she said.
"It does", Micah agreed.
"We'll take that then", Joseph said.
"Excellent choice.  I would suggest some Kofte backed with your choice of Meze."
Lexy listened as she looked at her menu.
"That sounds really good.  I'll have that", she replied.
Micah handed back his menu and asked for the same.  Kaliq looked to Joseph for his order as well.
"I believe I have the quail.  Thank you."
Kaliq nodded and took their menus.
"I will have that out for you shortly.  Your drinks are on their way."
He left their table to prepare their drinks and place their orders.  Moments later he returned with their glasses and a bottle of the best tasting wine in Egypt.
"Your orders should be out shortly", he stated as he poured the wine into each glass.
With that, Kaliq left and Lexy turned her attention to Micah.
"Do you think we'll find out who are in those sarcophagi and uncover the answer to that riddle?"
"I'm sure we will, Lex.  We just have to…"
"With all due respect, we are for pleasure, not work.  I'm beginning to think that all you think about is work Lexy, dear."
"I'm sorry.  I just have to put my entire life into this excavation and I want to be successful."
"Regardless if you discover what you are seeking or not, you will still be successful, dear.  You uncovered a tomb and one that no one else had yet to discover", replied Joseph.
"You're right.  We discovered the tomb.  Not just me.  I wouldn't have done it without the help of my employees."
"We'll figure out the answers to your questions, Lex.  I'm sure of it", added Micah.
"I hope so, Micah."
Lexy sighed and took a sip of her wine.  With her arms crossed one over the other she sat back into her seat and looked at her companions who sat across the table.
"We've been working together for a while now, right?"
Micah and Joseph looked at her.  Micah nodded.
"Well, I feel like we don't really know each other.  You two seem to know things about me but I know nothing of the two of you."
Kaliq returned with their meals and placed each one before them.
"Here you go.  What do you think of the wine?"
Kaliq turned his question to Lexy and noticed that she wasn't a native.
"It's wonderful.  Thank you.  I don't believe I've tasted anything this indistinguishable."
"Excellent.  It's a very elegant wine here, made from a variety of Lebonese grapes.  It is a very popular wine, rich and elegant."
"I can see why", she stated.
Lexy smiled and caused the others to do the same.
"I will leave you to enjoy your meals."
"Thank you", Lexy said.  "So, who wants to go first?"
She smirked slightly and gave the smiled that seemed to lighten up the room.
"I suppose age before beauty", joked Joseph.
"All right, old man.  You can go.  I'm looking forward to hearing about this", Micah joked back and laughed.
"I was born and raised in Egypt and as I've mentioned before, an extremely proud Egyptian citizen.  Archaeology became a hobby of mine after my wife died long ago.  We were young.  Suma was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.  She had eyes like milk chocolate.  Her voice was like a gentle brook.  When she died, I thought my entire world had collapsed.  After her death, I couldn't leave my home.  I was just a young man in servitude."
"Servitude", questioned Lexy.
He nodded.
"Yes.  My mistress was wonderful.  My mistress was so loving and caring.  A very kind and gentle person.  My work was to watch over the other servants, including Suma."
"So your mistress was wealthy then?"
"Very much so.  But, she died long ago, long after my wife did.  I was happy to work for her."
"Wow.  A life in servitude.  The death of a lover.  And a hobby in archaeology.  How did you get into this field of work?"
"My love of my country drew me to this.  There really isn't much to tell."
Lexy then turned to Micah.
"So, what's your story?"
"I as well am a proud Egyptian.  My mother was killed when I was a young boy.  I was raised by my father who was a brawny man with a gentle heart.  I've no siblings to speak of.  My father taught me everything he could before his death.  As soon as I was old enough, I did everything I could to learn about Egyptian history.  I wanted to go on digs so I did.  And here I am."
"No love interest?"
Kaliq returned to their table and laid their bill beside them.  He found that things were all right and left them to their conversation.  Lexy looked back to Micah and waited patiently for his response.
"I had a few but no one really worth mentioning.  Things never worked out so I'd rather just forget them."
"Fair enough."
Micah leaned closer to her with his eyes intently on hers.
"So what about you, Ms. Riordan?  You don't speak much about your life."
"What is there to say?  I never knew my parents.  They died shortly after I was born.  I mentioned before that I was raised and taught by Nathaniel Jenson.  He's a friend of the family.  Like you, Micah, I'm an only child. I've had a couple boyfriends but it's better that they ended.  I have worked hard to get where I am today.  Nathaniel was the only person who ever seemed to believe in me.  I went to University and passed with flying colours in both archaeology and Egyptology.  I found out later that Nathaniel was my father's instructor at the University.  My father began and founded the museum.  It's the Ireland Museum of Egyptian History and Artifacts.  I put so much of myself into my work, spending many nights in my office at the Museum.  Even when I'm home I seem to do more work than anything.  Anyway, when I was ready, Nathaniel sent me on this excavation.  He gave me the maps and all the documentation that I would need to find my discoveries.  With the money my parents left me and from the museum, I have paid for the entire operation.  My father left the museum to me.  Now, here I am in the homeland of my mother."
"What do you do for fun, dear?", asked Joseph.
"Oh wow.  My property seems to be never ending.  We have a huge lake.  I love taking my horse, Osiris, out.  He's this big black Arabian.  We'd ride for hours.  Sometimes we'd go to the lake and just sit.  Other times, I'd climb up this one tree that's by the lake and just sit and read.  If it's not nice outside, I'll go to my library and read.  One of my favorite things to do is sit in my room with my black and white cat, Bast.  She's always asking to be petted and her purr box doesn't ever seem to quit.  I really try to stay private.  Due to the success my father made the museum, I'm a celebrity of sorts back home.  It makes it difficult to remain private sometimes.  So I really cherish what I have.  What do you guys like to do in your free time?"
"I, like you, enjoy picking up a good book, dear.  I find it thrilling and entertaining at best", replied Joseph.
"Eh, I just do normal guy things I suppose.  You know, TV and stuff.  I'm really not that entertaining", Micah said.
"I'm sure you have plenty of girls knocking on your door at night."
"Yeah, sure.  If I do, they are invisible."
They all laughed and remained silent for a while.  Each of them pondered over everything that was spoken during their meal.  Micah grabbed up the bill.  Joseph took it from him instead.
"That is mine this time.  You can get the next one."
"Deal, old man."
After they had paid, they headed back to the parking lot.
"I'm going to head home.  I'll see you two in the morning", replied Joseph.
"Good evening, Joseph and thank you.  I had a great time", Lexy responded.
"Goodnight, dear.  It was my pleasure."
"Goodnight, Joseph", added Micah.
He placed his hand tenderly on the small of her back and guided her to the car.
"Would you like a ride back to your hotel?"
"That would be nice since you brought me here.  Thanks, Micah."
He smiled that same boyish smile that made her heart melt.  She couldn't help but return a smile of her own.  Shortly, they had returned to her hotel.  Micah shut off the engine and stepped out.  He moved to her side and opened her door for her.  She began to get out when Micah leaned into her.  His lips tenderly touched hers.  A soft, small moan escaped her as she leaned into him more.  He lifted her out of his car and held her tightly in his arms as he deepened their kiss.  She held him in return and broke it softly.
"I should go.  Tomorrow?", she inquired as they looked deeply into each others eyes.
"Tomorrow", he answered softly.
He brushed her cheek gently and went back to his seat.  Lexy was left alone.  She returned to her room for a good nights sleep.  She wasn't sure what just happened but she liked it.  Her lips curled into another smile as she laid in bed.  A new day awaited her.
Chapter 3 of my book Sacred Blood. All work is copy written by myself. None of this may be copied or reproduced. This is still a WIP so please no comments regarding spelling or grammar. I only ask for honest critique. Thanks for your time.
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